Thursday, 13 August 2009

Creating Proxy Object with Using Generic

public class ObjectA : MarshalByRefObject
public void MethodA()
Console.WriteLine("MethodA is called.");

public class ObjectB : MarshalByRefObject
public void MethodB()
Console.WriteLine("MethoB is called");
public class GenericProxyManager : RealProxy where TObject : new()
private TObject _objectInstance;

public GenericProxyManager(TObject objectInstance) : base(typeof(TObject))
this._objectInstance = objectInstance;

public static TObject GetProxyObject()
TObject objectInstance = new TObject();
GenericProxyManager proxyObject = new GenericProxyManager(objectInstance);
TObject transparentProxyObject = (TObject)proxyObject.GetTransparentProxy();
return transparentProxyObject;

public override IMessage Invoke(IMessage msg)
IMethodCallMessage message = (IMethodCallMessage)msg;

// Unless you are sure the implementation covers only methods, you need to write some additional code for properties ( get/set )
if (message != null)
Console.WriteLine(message.MethodName + " has been handled before it called");
// Write necessary code here - this is before you invoke the method
object methodRetval = message.MethodBase.Invoke(_objectInstance, message.InArgs);
// Write necessary code here - this is after you invoke the method
ReturnMessage retVal = new ReturnMessage(methodRetval, null, 0, message.LogicalCallContext, message);
return retVal;
return null;

Lets execute the following code now
ObjectA obj = GenericProxyManager.GetProxyObject();

ObjectB obj2 = GenericProxyManager.GetProxyObject();

Result will be

MethodA has been handled before it called
MethodA is called.
MethodB has been handled before it called
MethoB is called

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