So what are these rules? There are five known normalization forms. Lets explain these one by one;
First Normal Form (1NF):
One row can contain only one information for a specific data.
WRONG: We have a Cars table and this table has a column called FuelType as nvarchar(255) and we are storing the data as
Cars | |
CarID | FuelType |
1 | "Petrol, Diesel" |
2 | "Diesel" |
3 | "Electric, Diesel" |
CORRECT: We need to create a new table called FuelTypes which will store all the fuel types and instead of using FuelType nvarchar(255) column, FuelTypeID int should be used and needs to be related to FuelTypes table.
FuelTypes | |
FuelTypeID | Name |
1 | "Petrol" |
2 | "Diesel" |
3 | "Electric" |
Cars | |
CarID | FuelTypeID |
1 | 1 |
1 | 2 |
2 | 2 |
3 | 3 |
3 | 2 |
Second Normal Form (2NF)
A table that has a lookup column (which is primary key in other table) can not contain any information from that lookup table.Example;
Services | ||
ServiceID | WorkerID | WorkerName |
1 | 2 | Serkant |
2 | 3 | Catherine |
Workers | |
WorkerID | WorkerName |
2 | Serkant |
3 | Catherine |
Services | ||
ServiceID | WorkerID | |
1 | 2 | |
2 | 3 |
Workers | |
WorkerID | WorkerName |
2 | Serkant |
3 | Catherine |
Third Normal Form (3NF)
A table whose non-primary key fields are dependent only on the primary key and therefore have no dependence any other non-primary key field in the table.Example;
Services | ||
ServiceID | WorkerName | WorkerPhone |
1 | Serkant | 0777 777 7777 |
2 | Daniel | 0777 888 8888 |
Services | |
ServiceID | WorkerID |
1 | 2 |
2 | 3 |
Workers | ||
WorkerID | WorkerName | WorkerPhone |
2 | Serkant | 0777 777 7777 |
3 | Daniel | 0777 888 8888 |
Fourth Normal Form (4NF)
A table can not contain two or more 1:n or n:m relationships that are not directly related.
Book Deliveries | ||
Bookstore | Book | Area |
Bookstore A | Book A | Area A |
Bookstore A | Book A | Area B |
Bookstore B | Book B | Area B |
Bookstore C | Book B | Area C |
Bookstore Books | |
Bookstore | Book |
Bookstore A | Book A |
Bookstore B | Book A |
Bookstore B | Book B |
Bookstore Delivery Areas | |
Bookstore | Area |
Bookstore A | Area A |
Bookstore B | Area A |
Bookstore B | Area B |
Bookstore B | Area C |
Fifth Normal Form (5NF)
This form deals with cases where information can be reconstructed from smaller pieces of information that can be maintained with less redundancy.Example;
Salesman | Company | Product |
Salesman A | Company A | Product A |
Salesman A | Company A | Product B |
Salesman B | Company B | Product A |
Salesman B | Company B | Product B |
Company Salesmen | |
Company | Salesman |
Company A | Salesman A |
Company B | Salesman B |
Company Products | |
Company | Product |
Company A | Product A |
Company A | Product B |
Company B | Product A |
Company B | Product B |
Salesman Products | |
Salesman | Product |
Salesman A | Product A |
Salesman A | Product B |
Salesman B | Product A |
Salesman B | Product B |
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